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Online Examination Form: Last Date is extended till 15th October

Last Date for filling Online Examination Form is extended till 15th October,2007 without late fee.

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Sparse Matrix

MCA, CS-04 2001 (June)
Q.1 (a). What is sparse matrix? Give example. [12]

Ans. Matrices with a relatively high proportion of zero entries are called sparse matrices. Two general types of n-square sparse matrices which will occur in various applications are pictured in Figure.

The first matrix, all entries above the main diagonal are zero or equivalent, where none-zero entries can only occur on or below the main diagonal is called a lower triangular matrix.

The second matrix, where non-zero entries can only occur on the diagonal or on elements immediately above or below the diagonal is called a tridiagonal matrix.

Fig: 1


One may save space by storing only those entries which may be non-zero.

In space array indices are permitted for a larger set, but those values actually added to the array consume memory. Thus the program can ask for Sparse Array [5] or Sparse Array [200], but the memory be allocated for only a small number of entries.

Example: Suppose we want to place in memory the triangular array B in first Figure. We store only those entries of B in linear array C as indicated by arrows i.e. C[1]=b11, C[2]=b21, C[3]=b22, C[4]=b41, ….

C will contain only 1+2+3+ …+ n = n(n+1)/2 elements, which is about half as many elements as a two-dimensional h x n array.

L is integer in terms of J and K, Where C[L]=bjk, L represents the number of elements in the list upto and including bjk. There are

1+2+3+…+(J-1)=J(J-1)/2 elements in rows above bjk, K elements in row J upto and including bjk. Accordingly, L = J(J-1)/2+K yields the index that accesses the value bjk from linear array C.

Admission Open for January 2008 Session

IGNOU has initiated admissions for various Academic Programmes Including BCA and MCA for the session January 2008.

Students who are will to take admission in BCA/MCA or any other course, can obtained The Prospectus from all the regional Centres of IGNOU or from Registrar (SR&E), Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068, in person, on payment of Rs. 100/- in cash or through DD/IPO of Rs. 150/- drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi/ at the city of the Regional Centre/ Partner Institution concerned. Application form can also be downloaded from the website at and submitted along with DD for Rs. 100/- in addition to the programme fee.

Submission of forms with fee at the concerned Regional Centre is 12th November 2007.